How to cook your Haggis.

    According to the Guild, important to note is Haggis is already cooked so all that needs to be done before serving is to reheat until piping hot
    Traditionally haggis is simmered slowly in hot water (be careful not to boil or the Haggis may burst and cause culinary carnage) for around 35-40 minutes per 450g/1lb.

    Once the packaging is removed, the Haggis can be wrapped in foil, placed in a casserole dish with a little water and cooked in a pre heated oven at 180°c (gas mark 6) until ready. Timings will depend in the size of your haggis.

    Should you be brave enough to make your own Haggis, then you will need to order a lamb or pigs pluck – the lungs, heart and liver - from your butcher plus either a plastic or natural casing to cook it in.
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