My experience

  1. Respect you
    Since joining E-I I have been astounded by the ladies I have met. I certainly have the greatest respect for them and have found them to among the kindest and most generous people. They have been totally non-judgmental and have made the greatest of efforts to please me. I however would go much further than respect, I feel that the escorts bring happiness and pleasure, to all of us and that can't be bad. I thank each and every one of them for the depth of kindness and pleasure they have given me. I have loved their intelligence, sense of fun, great good looks, and beautiful bodies. I am aware that were I in a nightclub I would not stand a chance with any of the girls that I have been with, yet when those doors open I am accepted and made to feel that I am loved. What a privilege that is from one human being to another.
  2. mymann
    I agree totally. Escorts do a very difficult job. When they open the door to a new client they do'nt know what personality they are going to meet.
  3. Respect you
    I sometimes wonder if I am being naive.
  4. DaveD20
    Must be a very hard job to do but most escorts from what I am seeing on the site seem to do their jobs to the highest standards of respect and professionalism. It is only fair that we the clients treat the escorts with the highest levels of courtesy and with the utmost dignity.
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