20 members

  1. royaler
    Yahoo Cindy!!!!! We now have 20 members ....... yeh I know you are one of them but we'll disregard that!!
  2. Cindy Forever
    Escort AdvertiserCindy Forever
    Thanks for members!
    One day will 100 members
  3. royaler
    Wow Cindy! 100 members wouldn't that be something else!!!
    We'd have a major celebration then for sure!!!
  4. ryder
    Not too sure if I'd like to see 100 members ,as I would only be getting more jealous every time someone fancied my lovely Cindy. Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all ? Sexy Cindy of course.
  5. royaler
    I'm with you there on that one Ryder! Just have to get used to it though. Ha!
  6. royaler
    Hey Cindy! We now have 40 members ........ just in time for your holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!
  7. royaler
    Hey Cindy darlin' ... we now have 50 members plus yourself ... definitely gonna make that 100 ...
    PS ... missing ya big time from the boards darlin'!
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