Happy Interactions

  1. royaler
    I have to say that I agree strongly with the sentiments of this Group. I have met some wonderful, happy ladies through E-I and I have the height of respect for them. It is just so true - "treat me as you would like to be treated".
    For a long time I would typically moan about how unfriendly some people were - for example waitresses in restaurants - but then I realised "if its to be it is up to me". So I started making the first move to be friendly by always starting up the conversation and lo and behold there are many more friendly people out there than unfriendly. I know I've kind of wandered off the subject but I think it is the same with respect. Respect and you will be respected.
    Take care all you beautiful ladies!
  2. DaveD20
    Good point Royaler - You have to give to receive
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