My new favorite

  1. hitman76
    Wonderful looking lady and a must see.
  2. Mij
    No FK in your review, another reviewer says she does FK. Any reason given to you?
    I have to say she looks unbelievable, nearly worth a visit regardless.
    Do you mind me asking if it was an apartment or hotel?
  3. hitman76
    Was an apartment and didn't push it with the FK or ask in fact, normally just happens.
  4. Mij
    Thanks hitman76, still think hotels are a bit quiet at the moment, haven't chanced them anyway.
    Understand you on the fk, maybe request it beforehand, although it's not always necessary for a top punt.
  5. hitman76
    No problem Mij I'm not one for the hotels to be honest and if she was in one I wouldn't go myself but that's just me. Have a good one ��
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