Anal when not completely hard?

  1. harsh
    What to do when you aren't completely hard but want to anal? Asking for a friend
  2. AndyLuck12
    Get hard
  3. BuySexualBarry
    Ok it has happened me a few times where I am hard but not rock hard here is what always works for me.
    1) relax
    2) change position
    3) get some lube and gently finger the girls ass while jerking yourself (very erotic)
    4) try anal jousting (where the lady is lubed up you grab your cock hard forcing all the blood to the head and then in a piston like motion keep trying to push the head in..... this will give you a nice sensation on the top of your penis to get harder while prepping the ladies ass for your incoming penis. Once you feel the "pop" and you get the head in its all gravy from there as they say.
    5) most important thing is dont put pressure on yourself, relax and enjoy. The right escort will make it easy for you.
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