respect the escorts befriend an ie member

  1. dogrider
    people who dont respect the escorts and treat them badly should be shot ,any escort i have been to wheater they are good or bad have been treated like human beings doing a job that i required,99% of them were just nice girls out to make a living of which i was more than happy to pay for,now im not sure if this would work but what if every escort had one ie member to call if they were having a bad day or if they need help,ok you might say are the ie members any better but look at it this way we are here on this site backing what you do ,we want you to be safe and most of all we need you more than you need us,so would this work

    now guys dont take this as a way to get a freebe thats not what this is about ,it simple if the girl is having a bad day or just feeling down its about making that girl feel ok and helping anyway you can, sometimes a kind word goes a really long way
  2. Sam Spade
    Sam Spade
    Good post by the way.

    I would always like to believe a number of members would be helpful to a lady in distress and in such circumstances think beyond the terms of escorts and clients.
    Many ladies are friendly with one another who can provide help and support in the first instance.
    In an ideal world it would be beneficial if members could also provide practical help regarding suitable accommodation in an area to more serious matters, for example accompanying the lady to hospital, police station etc.

    We all like our privacy, but sometimes this has to be set aside in certain circumstances.

    Befriend a member is a good idea, but how it could be developed further is where it gets somewhat difficult.
  3. pitzamike
    think this is a great idea.maybe a few people from each county could be contactable if a girl needed a bit of suport. Would be up for that.
  4. blue8671
    with regards to mark444's post i could not agree more with regard to being available for the girls in time of there greatest need eg hospital, police as im sure many of us know what its like to be in a foriegn country perhaps not having a greatest understanding of the language. These girls provide us with companionship when we need it so it is only fair that we return the compliment. I have one concern and that is it would only take one sick guy that would try to take advantage of the situation to stain everyone else who is honestly is only trying to help another person in distress.
  5. DaveD20
    Blue8671 is so right, it would only take one person to ruin it and try to take advantage of a vunerable escort. Logistically probably a nightmare to organise but if escorts joined a fund and contributed to it from their earnings. An insurance/emergency fund could be in place for any escorts who get into difficulty away from their native country. Again as I mentioned before total decriminalisation would allow things like this to be set up.
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