Famous Mousey Quotes

  1. Violette
    Quotes from the magnificent fuzzy one. Things you have heard His Mousiness say, post here. Come on people!
  2. Violette
    "Can I resurrect this thread to also ask why many gay men are so camp? After all, you didn't see Alexander the Great mincing around in front of his army flopping in his wrist in the direction of the enemy - no, he kicked ass all over the goddam world as well as fucking it. "
  3. Lucy Chambers
    Lucy Chambers

    That is a favourite of mine.
  4. Lucy Chambers
    Lucy Chambers
    This thread is only for high-brow people like me (and maybe you) - working class vermin like Horan and his unwashed ilk should fuck off right back to whatever Internet dross they were dribbling at a moment ago.

    ..Le Mouse.
  5. Violette
    "... and then I got rogered up the arse by a man that looked enough like a woman so I didn't feel as much like a gaybo."
  6. Violette
    "May I make an observation? Your observation about her observation observing that her observation was observing that business is poor, and your subsequent observation to that observation, observing that observing chancers might observe, indicates that observations of observations of observations regarding one's observations of an original observation is merely that - an observation."
  7. Violette
    "Thanks for the replies, but I put up Dolores (or should that be Dolorous? Ho! Ho!) O' Riordan's "attempt" because it made me want to go outside and repeatedly and violently close the car door against my head until I died. What makes her think she can sing? Who gave her a record contract? Whoever the fuck let this screeching yowling harridan anywhere near a microphone should be tracked down and publically beaten like a rug as an example."
  8. Violette
    "Hmm, you have a point I cannot counter. Mutter mutter."
  9. Lucy Chambers
    Lucy Chambers
    "That's right, baby, you have to be hardcore to live here. Only outlaws prosper in this town where if someone says to you "I like your shoes", it means you're about to be mugged. I have a tattoo and pretend to be retarded - I fit right in. How's that grab you?"

    How can you not love this mouse? He lives in Limerick, for one thing. He needs us.
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