Conversation Between cheryl20 and JAMESCORK

9 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm so simple ,am I ???

  2. Babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy girl....

    I love your passion. I love your sexiness. But most of all I love your simplicity... :
  3. Baaaaaaaaaaaabyyyyyyyyyyy
  4. I don't think you quite know how rude or insulting the word 'spa' is honey....

    But look, its your new word... who am I to deny you...

    Love you baby... I'll be there soon...
  5. Baaaaaby

    Can't wait to see ya,spaaaaaa

  6. For my girl.... Mwuaaaaah... Love ya Cheryl
  7. for my man

  8. I love you daddy
  9. Yayyyy.. Cheryl is finaly onboard...

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9