Conversation Between Rocker123 and Amy Alison

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah Im enjoying the good weather. I'd say the heat effects business though?
  2. I'm doing just fine hunni, hope you're the same
  3. Hi Amy, How are you tonight?
  4. Thanks Amy.
  5. No problem. If you have any questions about where to find any stuff on this site, way to do things etc . feel free to send a private message.

  6. Thats true. Sorry for repeating myself. I'm not used to this site yet.
  7. Well, everyone has to start from somewhere

  8. Thanks Amy. I am good. Im relatively new to seeing escorts. very new actually. Total appointments 2.
  9. Thanks Amy. I am good. Im relatively new to seeing escorts... very new actually ... total appointments ... 2 !
  10. I'm well, thanks for asking, hope you're well too
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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