Conversation Between Ladyvonteese and happy shy lad

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you hope you have a lovely week LVT
  2.[/url] more photos there too honey. xx

    Hope your having a fab weekend

    Lady Von Teese
  3. Your one sexy Cougar and I love your new photos and would love to meet up sometime. See your back in Dublin on 29th Sept so hopefully can get to meet up in afternoon xxxx I love to spoil a lovely lady xxxx
  4. I have new albums up honey so check them out as I sure you also will have a lot of fun with them too.loll

    All the best
    Lady Von teese
  5. Hi honey hope all is going good
    Just popping by to say thanks for the friends request
    All the best
    Lady Von Teese
  6. Hi Shy boy,

    Due to my lovely bubbly personality I am sure you will not be shy around me, so just message me when you are free to meet up for some fun and games together.

    All the best for now
  7. Love you profile and photos hope to meet up with u some day.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7