Conversation Between Sexy Samantha British and burstn

7 Visitor Messages

  1. About time too.That broomstick has been in storage too long.Can it find it's to dublin? xx
  2. Hi Sam,
    Thinking of coming back????
  3. Hi Sam ,
    Happy New Year.Hope you had a good Christmas.Hope to see you next week in Santry.
    Brian xx
  4. Hi Sam can't wait to see your new look.
  5. hiya sam,
    hope you are more review to make a 100. reviews.congrats in advance of reaching deserve 200 reviews.
  6. welcome back samantha.any plans to come to dublin.
  7. Hiya I am looking at your profile and see you are coming to dublin.Do you know what area you'll be in as i would like to meet up.xx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7