Conversation Between saoirsemac and redcar2

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. whinge whinge whinge
  2. Look after me eh, funny U should say that,it was my birthday last week did I get a card even huh!high class chick ahh and the price of stamps went up last week.devasted I am like.
  3. they where nice ice pops

    dont i always mind u, im a high class chick, dunness stores lollies

    like its ur birthday
  4. Well had to come back as I heard ur a cold hearted creature and you might need one of them new next time the ice pops won't melt as fast and open the door U can tan as well,you' be elected like.
  5. retired eh?
  6. ‎aisling faoi Badhbh reoccuring U wish girl
  7. you dont have sound like someone on acid
  8. U sound like Yoda on a hangover satisfying indeed and knickers I don't remember them ahhh maybe the cat was wearing them sure ur a lazy git ffs I remember rightly you would wait for me to visit so muffins here would do ur weekly shopping been nice as i am like
  9. yes flaky skin makes me wet me knickers

    mmmm peeeling, satisfying indeed
  10. no a picture of you i took while you where in the shower

    i show it to people to break the ice when the conversation turn too serious
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
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