Conversation Between Sherry and INVISABLE500

96 Visitor Messages

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  1. How are you keeping xxxx
  2. hello my stallion whats up with y??? best kisser
  3. Hello xxxx
  4. thank y
    happy xmass for y too
  5. Happy Christmas Sherry , hope you have a great holiday xxxx
  6. I hope you're not crying too much .. hope all is good with you xxxx
  7. fine thanks
    just y missing me
    and i cry ALL DAY.................
  8. How are you keeping xxx
  9. Yes your fault that I am happy xxxx
  10. so its my fault....???
    mmmm and y blame on me??
    good happyness for me as well.................
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 96
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