Conversation Between ausd and Mature Jenny

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Jenny / Molly, are you still around, I have lost your phone number but would really like to meet up again. xx
  2. Hello there. How are you? I have list my phone and don't have your number can you email it to me or reply here. Thanks. Would love to meet again. X
  3. hi just back today. have not been on in a long time had a bit of trouble. thank you for your lovely mails and texts . i wish you could come down the country sometimes . im working on going up , x
  4. Hello Sexy Bitch, getting back to Dublin for the first time on Thursday next 31/03. Any chance you are cuming to Dublin any time soon, would love to meet up. Have watched the video I madea few times and need to shoot a sequal.

  5. Cum back to Dublin soon. XXXX
  6. hi come back soon . thank you for being even nicer than id ever hoped and way sexies xxxx
  7. Hi sexy looking forward to seeing you on Friday. Dennis
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7