Conversation Between hd7055 and JAMESCORK

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Melly.

    How are ya my fellow Leinster supporter?
  2. Get yourself sorted bud. I will always be here for ya.

    luvs ya HD (in a manly sort of way)
  3. Be good lad!

    May be a while ...
  4. Be good lad!

    May be a while ...
  5. JC

    Your right (he said backing up to to the nearest corner) we have had a laugh here (he reached for a HEAVY anti-gay candlebra, hoping against hope he would never have to use it, all the while firmly clenching his sphincter ...), and hope to keep doing so.

    'tis a wonderful place here, but fear Uncle F may have got you!

    Luvs ya too JC.
  6. HD... I want to wish you a happy christmas to you and your family. We had good times here you and I over the past year. I look forward to the next....

    Go wan ya good

    Take care bud.... Muaaah..
  7. Ah.. my good friend HD.... Have a happy Christmas lad.... and as I advised Takemedrunk... Keep Gran away from the Sherry trifle....
  8. Happy Christmas lad!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8