Conversation Between Kalina and wanted the best 69

7 Visitor Messages

  1. nice to see you here
  2. so my lady return to Ireland for a overnighter,but this time alittle notice pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee, drinks on me
  3. name the place and the time ,you bring the cork screw
  4. still have that bottle,god it has some much dust on it now,funny i cannot bring myself to open it,
    it was bought to be drunk by two people not forgotten fair lady
  5. gone but never forgotten
  6. it is a bottle that has your name on it and only your name, as to the cork? you can pop mine anytime
  7. hi long time, i still have the bottle of wine ,but it will take two to drink it slowly
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7