Conversation Between johnnybbad and Lia1

10 Visitor Messages

  1. h isexy.

    yes I am very well ,thank you.
    how about you?I hope everything is perfect with you.

    kisses babe
  2. welcome back babe hope you are keeping well
  3. same for you darling,wish you very happy Christmas and all the best for next year!!!

    Take care.

  4. happy christmas lia hope you have a great new year babe ...

    Xxxxxxx Johnny Xxxxxxxxx
  5. hi sweetie.Yeah we had a great time and I look forward to seeing you next as well.Ya,ya I know...for next time I will tie better than lats time.

    Thank you darling,have a great time for you...

  6. hey beautiful great to finally get to meet you,you are truely amazing and i hope to see you very soon in dublin ha ha next time you will have to tie your hair back ha ha ha you know what i mean ..
    have a great tour ...keep on smiling ..
    Johnny Xx
  7. All rigt darling.

    Looking forward to meet you on sunday.

    Please call me ,somethimes I have no time to check my posts just handling my phone.

    Have a nice day

    Kisses ,Lia
  8. thanks for getting back to me i will keep my eye on your profile and hopefully ill see you on sunday ..
    big kiss
    Johnny Xx
  9. Hi darling.Yes it a same we could't meet yet.

    I will be back to dublin for 1 day on sunday.I hope we get a chance to meet.Looking forward to get to know you.

  10. cant wait till you come back to dublin i keep missing you when you come up ..
    you are very beautiful and hope to meet you soon ..

    Johnny Xx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10