Conversation Between OpenMindOllie and Ladyvonteese

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Ollie I removed my photos albums as I realized that some of the people who were contacting me with threats were also viewing them. I will have them back up on my own website early Feb 2015 ladyvonteese dot com

    Hope all is going well with you and you've had a great start to 2015

    All the very best

    Lady Von Teese
  2. Where are you albums?
  3. Once I get time honey as I am now trying to sort out another website I have other than my which has 52 pages so doing the up-dates is going to take me a little time however its going to blow your mind when finished. Loll

    Hope your weekend is going well
    All the best
    Lady Von Teese
  4. Your pics are amazing!

    Could I request a set of your pins in tights?
  5. Thanks for the friends request honey and hope you enjoy my photos albums

    Lady Von Teese
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5