Conversation Between AustriaVivivan and Sheerxtasyboy

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi Vivivan, I am very well, tank u 💋
    I hope 2 c u very sôôn 😍
  2. Hello baby, how are you?
  3. Hello honey, How are you, i hope you are Ok, i want to speak something with you, please let me know your telefon number, it is realy important , thanks, Veronica
  4. Hello honey, How are you, i hope you are Ok, i want to speak something with you, please let me know your telefon number, it is realy important , thanks, Veronica
  5. Yes baby will be great, i will looking to rent a apartament in Cork ����
  6. Well Vivivian, that wôôd be great......I'll löök forward to seeing you sóò
  7. Hello honey, mabe i see you the next week��
  8. Hello baby, i hope you are ok, i hope to see you again very soon, Take care of you, sweet kiss
  9. Lôôking forward to seeing you again söön......
  10. Missing u Vivian.......hope you r well
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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