Conversation Between wanted the best 69 and Jackdaniel

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hello WTB, How hell are you, what happened to Rodney?
  2. hi jd ,god, now dave is gone ,just you me and few old timers left,
  3. All well txs WTB, thanks for dropping by and asking.
    Relatively well behaved due to recession etc!

    Trust all is well with you??
  4. hi, hope all is well with you
  5. Well well well, how's things dude..quietly working my way through things here as you have guessed!!
  6. hi, you still shagging your way through this place,? just touching base,how are you, squire daniels?
  7. Phew, tank f**k for that...!!
  8. hi mate ,yeh getting there in the real world, but i mean to keep in touch,now i lurk on e.i more than take part,call it with drawing from this world,but i still like to think i met a few really nice people here,you being one of them, but hell no,i aint sleeping with you
  9. Oh you know how it is...same shite different year!
  10. happy new year to you too,hope you keeping well
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
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