Conversation Between Amelia Babe and iamnewtothis

8 Visitor Messages

  1. glad u aprove gorgeous x
  2. Hun! what the helllllllllllllllllllllllllll.... Your pics!!!!! are you trying to give me a heart attack My god, come to me........... come to me right now!
    Gorgeous gorgeous new pics babe lol xxxx
  3. thank you gorgeous xxxx
  4. Good god almighty, Your new photo's are amazing. Your one beautiful lady xxx
  5. Hey gorgeous thanks for the "wee" message there . I should be the one thanking you hope you are getting treated well by us Belfast guys .
    Definately looking forward to our next meeting. Dont leave it so long next time to come back to us

    Big kiss gorgeous xxx
  6. thank u for a fab time. or should i say 2 fab times lol. ur a proper gent xxx see you again i hope gorgeous xx
  7. Amazing new pictures xx
  8. Welcome back to Belfast sweetheart
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8