Conversation Between EL SID and Stephanie

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy New Year and Merry XMas 🎅 🌲 , !

    Now it’s nearly Spring upon us , and you missed my BirthDay 🎂 🎉 !!

    : miss them ‘have shoulder’ moments xx 😘 xx

    Hope you are well x missing you xx

    @Coffee Club xox
  2. Just a quickie to wish you a very Merry Christmas Stephanie!!! 🎅 🎄

    😘 J xx
  3. The coffee club is missing you...
    Hope all's well? xx
  4. What an absolute beautiful Lady !! xxx
  5. What an absolute Gent !! xxx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5