Conversation Between supermike and Melindablondey

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi mike sorry over the delay getting back to you due to unforeseen circumstances i will not be returning to work for at least another week or 2 sorry about this thankyou very much x
  2. Hi Melinda.
    Are you back working today?
  3. Hi mike thankyou for your message i will be back to work on wednesday the 8th of may x
  4. Hi Melinda,
    Any chance of you coming back? Miss you!
  5. Hi sorry but i am not sure when i will be returning to work at the moment thankyou very much x x x
  6. Hi Melinda,
    Just wondering when you are working in Athlone or Longford areas?

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6