Conversation Between Lucy spring and Wicklow Biker Boy

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Congratulations on your stunning new pictures .
    I can't to see you again.

    Wick xxx
  2. Do you really need to ask if I'd remember you?
    It's more like how could I ever, ever forget you!
    We had some amazing fun together, the dinners, the drinks, the walks.

    The weather hasn't been this good since you went away, thanks for bringing us the sunshine.

    I can't wait to see you again.

    Wick xxx
  3. Hi Wick! Do you remember me?
    I'm back to Ireland and the first thing I did when I remembered you was buying a beautiful and tasty lollipop to you!!! He hehe
    Looking forward see you in Limerick.
  4. Missing you too!!!
  5. Missing you already :-(
  6. Thank you very much and congrats for your 100reviews!!!!
    See ya!!!
  7. Hi Lucy, it was a pleasure meeting with you.
    You are are beautiful girl in every way.
    Until we meet again!
    Wick Xxx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7