Conversation Between TheNightShift and tom sand

20 Visitor Messages

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  1. you stop that you
  2. Good night Tom, always a pleasure

  3. thanks for your time kara
    i will leave you alone
  4. yea it would
    I didn't think it through
    never been to America
    what would I do with my button pressing self at the Empire State building

    take the stairs
  5. Would be funny do that at the Empire State or any other similar building

  6. sure
    like on a elevator
    I press them all
    I can,t help my self
    the day I don't
    is the day I die
    hi Kara
  7. Sure! Maybe all at the same time? xD

  8. Current Activity .................Moderator Control Panel
    that's sounds like the the international space station
    can I press some of the buttions???

  9. ...............................................
  10. I know the night shift sign off there posts
    cold they not have there name beside there avatar
    which night shift
    is on line ?
    thinking about it
    there is a lot of lonely guys out there
    like me
    maybe not
    night selene
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
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