Conversation Between GoldenRod and Tashamassage

7 Visitor Messages

  1. hey babe , i will hehe xxx

    hope to see you soon xxx

    Lots of kisses
  2. The video brings back great memories of that fantastic body of your Tasha. Pity it is so dark. Next time turn on the lights please. If you've got it, flaunt it, and you babe have definitely got it.
    Hope to see you again very soon.
  3. Hi Tasha, hope you enjoyed your break at home. Its great to see you back in Dublin. I hope to see you tomorrow or Tuesday if you are available. Have you any new outfits with you ? I just love when you open the door wearing your stockings and beautiful lingerie.
  4. Thanks babe xxx
  5. Welcome back.
  6. Any plans to put up a few more photos Tasha ?
    A few more different outfits would be great.
    I'm guessing you would look good in pink.
  7. Hello my new friend xxx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7