Conversation Between tom rambo and Ladyvonteese

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi my Darling it great to have you back to me again,
  2. Good to see my lady is back,
  3. Always a pleasurable time spent hon, next time I. Teaching you the Tango too. X
  4. Hi Darling, really enjoyed our few days together you are truly the best never a dull moment,cent wait till next time,love Tom
  5. Looking forward it Rambo, lol.

    Chat soon hon, x

    Lady Von Teese
  6. Hi Sexy,you know there are times I don't know what day it is not to mind what month lol,with you I know we are going to have a blast,see you next week my Darling,
  7. Well fingers crossed honey it will be one of the best of many a good year which leaves me still smiling. lol

    Big hugs and all the best to you too, you big tart. lol lol x

    Lady Von Teese
  8. Well it will not be for the want of trying honey. Lol

    Oh, and now back to work having such fun, see you next week in Galway honey. x

    Save some energy for me you tart. lol

    Lady Von Teese
  9. Happy new year Darling and hope you have the best one ever,love Tom,
  10. Great to see you back Darling and Happy Christmas and new year love Tom,
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 27
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