Conversation Between carolinemc and burstn

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi !!!! I will, promiss , kisses
  2. Welcome back.Hope you enjoy your stay south of the border! xx
  3. soon , soon , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! miss me a little , kiss kiss..........................
  4. Hiya Caroline,
    love your new photos.Any plans to come to Dublin.xx
  5. Yippee.See you soon.xx
  6. glad your back.see you soon
  7. Thats great,hopefully we can meet up.
  8. will be in dublin on 6 th july hope see u soon darling !!
  9. hiya honey,looking at your the place to be this week.Are coming to Dublin soon,would be great to meet up.x
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9