Conversation Between robijntje and jay67

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha, well now you know why I always go back, no and I saw your review anyway, so I knew about it I was like 'hehe, he couldn't resist anymore'

    Well, the 'me me me' attitude is the nature of the business anyway I think, but it stands as an example to how people treat each other everyday, everywhere.

    and how are things with your other half? better, or do i have to see you visiting the friend as a bad sign?
  2. yeah mate i hear what your saying,and totally agree by the was, ladies should be treated with respect no matter their job is.think it just goes to show what sort of place this country has become,its all ME ME ME!!!! and what 'i' want. i hate that type of attitude.i like yo think i treat evary1 as i would like to be treated myself. well i had my last punt(for a while anyway, haha) with a friend of yours, just AMAZING!!!! i thought why not finish with the best!!!!!.hows life treating you??
  3. Well, seems like the boards and more specific the people on here show the current failures of humanity: lack of dignity, courtesy, respect, morals and values.

    People on here are so hypocrit it's not funny anymore, always complaining about the prices or talking about 'the ladies' like they are objects, objects of lust that is.

    Maybe you can say 'but that's why they are escorts', yeah maybe, but they're people in the first place, and that's what most people here seem to forget.
  4. i havent been on in awhile,so 'the attitude'??
  5. Heya mate, good to hear from you.

    Well, i've been extremely busy lately, it's like 'work-sleep-work-work-sleep...'. And kinda getting disgusted with the general attitude on these boards...
  6. hey rob, how you doing mate? hope all is well with you.
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