Conversation Between tipp oldie and ania

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thank u hun.. Happy xmas to u and happy new year. Xxx
  2. You will not be back to see us before Christmas so I'll wish you a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year,Ania TUCCI.
  3. U r more then welcome hun was a pleasure as always xxxx
  4. Thanks for a memorable time today, Ania, you are an angel. xxxxxxxxxx
  5. U r more then welcome sweetie was my pleasure xxx
  6. Thanks for the nice time yesterday, Ania, it's a pleasure to spend time in your company.
  7. thank sweetie... hope ur well, and wish to c u some time soon

  8. Welcome back, beautiful Ania.
  9. thank so much sweetie.. wish u the same and all the best. happy xmas

  10. Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year, my love. I hope to meet you again in 2014.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
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