Conversation Between brat169 and Patriciaparis

6 Visitor Messages

  1. hi i think you are bringing lots of snow with you again, weather for weekend not promised good might have to give you B&B if you are snowbound lol xx
  2. hi sweetie hope you can fit mayo into your schedule this time still very frosty here we need something "nice" to warm us up! I'm sure you may have some satisfying ideas mmmmmmmmmmmmm
  3. hi sweetie so sorry and disappointed you could not make it down west today but i know you can not on account of the weather hopefully i get to see you soon take care and keep that temple of beauty warm XXX s
  4. hi hun ....will try my best to as soon as i can ....just keep looking out pls

    thank for showing interest and i can't wait to see u soon

    regards PP...xx
  5. please come west i'm longing for you
  6. hi babe how are you
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6