Conversation Between American Kate and HotNicole69

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Nicole,

    Pity we couldn't meet at the event over the holiday, it was really nice. I hope you had a great break! Please let me know if you'd ever like to meet up to chat or just online is fine too. yes i am an escort as well (I, like you, used to do it for free - lol, we got smarter, huh!!). i don't get to work as much as I'd like to as I'm really busy with other stuff (SWAI, creative stuff). I hope its picking up after the first few days in January can be a bit of a lull?

    Feel free to be in touch and we'll talk again soon!

  2. Hello Kate,

    I have soo many questions the more I read I get nervous (UM bad clients) but at the same time I love this kind of business. Always have but I did it for free hahaaaa!
    I will try to go to the reunion next week. I will text your friend (sorry don't remember her name) for the address.
    I have a few questions. Is it ok if I ask you? Are u an escort yourself?
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