Conversation Between Mr Cuddles and ERIKA LOVEFORU

8 Visitor Messages

  1. I was just thinking of you, my first class babe
    hope life is being kind to you.
  2. hey hun, miss you..... lot's off hugs......xoxoxoxox
  3. Thank you very much hun....I can't believe I got older with one year sad...))
    I send you a very BiG
  4. Hi Erika, just wanted to say a belated Happy Birthday.
    Hope you had a great day.
  5. Thanks hun, I feel great with new battery........
  6. Welcome back Erika, hope you are well.
    Catch up with you soon. xxO
  7. Thanks for the flowers new you are my friend...
  8. Hi Erika, may I be your friend ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8