Conversation Between Respect you and Sensual19Rada

7 Visitor Messages

  1. thx baby for the nice words
  2. Eveline, I will remember. you seem to get more gorgeous and sexy every time I look in those dreamy eyes. you are the most fascinating and truly beautiful girl on the planet. Yes you are.
  3. I really would love to see you on your next visit (I hope)
    I will watch out for you. It is such a pleasure for me to look at your true beauty
    Love, Light and Peace,
    respect you
  4. Hi Sensual 19 Rada,
    Just had to see your lovely face one more time today. I hope to be in Waterford 3pm on Wednesday 13th. I will ring you.
    Good night you wonderful girl,
    Love, Light and Peace,
    respect you.
  5. Saw your lovely face and thought those words. Am I right? Of course.
    Love, Light and Peace,
    R u.
  6. hi baby Thanks for the nice words:*:*
  7. you look sensitive, empathic, kind, open, intelligent, complete, you are your own woman, sexy, very attractive beautiful in body and soul. I bless the fact that we share the same planet.
    Love Light and Peace,
    respect you.
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