Conversation Between Stephanie and Bogman

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. xxx xxx

  2. The warmest of welcomes to you. I saw your advert yesterday and thought it was an error of some sort and now it has vanished again.

    I shall dream up some excuse to get down to see you asap if you are entertaining again.

    Talk soon xxx
  3. Hope you had a good one too. xx
  4. Merry XMas !!

    : a little late , but with much goodness and good thought 💋 !

    🌲Hope your days are wonderful 😘 xox
  5. Best wishes for you for 2014. May you stay safe, secure and happy. Warmest thoughts from me to you xx
  6. Warmest thoughts to you for the season and beyond. xx
  7. x
  8. Good to see you advertising again, new pics are gorgeous. Hope your new place is a success xx
  9. Hoping to see you in April, its been too long.
  10. Looking forward to seeing you again asap. I'm due in Dublin on the 23rd so plenty of time to get the wheels in motion and make sure there are no tan lines.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
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