Conversation Between patty and Barney Rubble

41 Visitor Messages

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  1. Right I'm doing the Euro-millions tonight , fingers crossed !!!
  2. we never know you can win the lottery tomorrow lol
  3. Thankyou baby u are an angel , keep safe & look after yourself . Oh & if I ever do get moderately rich I would be happy with co-habitation , I'm getting too old to get married !!! xxx
  4. thank you so much for other beautiful meeting. I love wine I will drink it soon lol. You are a perfect gentleman and please no worries with gifts. I hope to see you soon xx
    Have a lovely week and Good nite
    Kisses Patty
  5. Thanks again for earlier today , guess that tulips will be in season when we meet again seeing as you're off the wine !!! When it's Spring again I'll bring again ........
  6. Good morning my darling
    I hope to meet you soon too
    You are lovely company
    Kisses Patty
  7. I see it's not too long til u r back in Lurgan so hope to c u then Patty , u r an angel !! xxx
  8. You are too kind a real gentleman it was a pleasure to have spent time with me
    Thank you for you lavish me with my favourite drink
    I hope to meet you soon xx
  9. Thanks again for earlier Patty I won't be as long til I see you again !!! U r a very beautiful lovely friendly sexy lady !! ( Love the freckles!! )! Big kiss goodnight !!! xxx
  10. You are more than welcome to visit me again hun
    I can't wait
    Kisses Patty
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 41
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