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  1. Awww You guys ^_^

    Thank you so much for such a warm welcome back! It's been so good to see so many faces familiar and new. I honestly didn't think y'all would remember lil ole me
    That said , I'm a need y'all to help a sister out. Here's the sitch,

    If you are coming in from surrounding areas, please be aware of my hours. I take calls untill midnight but stop working around 10. Please be sure to factor in what traffic in town might be like

    If you can't make it be sure to let ...
  2. Alright,Alright,Alright

    That's it from me for awhile ladies and Gents. I return mid October and until then many thanks to all my Summer time friends. Main tour locations this winter will be Limerick, Cork and Galway. Please PM any querys you may have as my phone will be off and emails likely to go unchecked. Alternatively keep an eye on my posts for any upcoming dates and my contact details.

    Stay Sexy, Stay Safe

    Tags: ebony, joy, longtime
  3. But Where's the Sun Gone?

    There's nothing like meeting old friends. You know the sort you fall out with over the stupidest s*** but upon reconciliation you go back to that same easy manner of interaction. Whether alot or a little is said there lies an understanding, not to mention blue-balling clueless young lads in clubs just ain't as fun by yourself.

    First in awhile in which I toured 3 weeks out of four and my goodness! Yet again I applaud those who do it full time, all the time. Alighting 'pon place and ...