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[SIZE="4"]Q1. A penniless sculptor made a beautiful metal statue, which he sold. Because of this he died soon afterward. Why?

[SIZE="4"]Q2. A man was preparing a fish to eat for a meal when he made a mistake. He knew then that he would shortly die. H[/SIZE]ow?[/SIZE]

[SIZE="4"]Q3. Adam had none. Eve had two. Everyone nowadays has three. What are they?[/SIZE]
Q4. Why does a woman with no interest in hunting buy a gun for shooting ducks?

Q5. A man and his dog went for a walk in the woods. When he returned home he invented something now worth millions of dollars. What was it?

Q6. A golfer dreamed all his life of getting a hole in one. However, when he eventually did get a hole in one, he was very unhappy and, in fact, quit golf altogether. Why?



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  1. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=Doozer;bt4205]q1 was it not a stop sign but a copper lightning rod and then was struck by lightning?[/QUOTE]

    Now why did you have to go and say that Doozer and so close to Sunday too. Correct and well done. :)
  2. magicalman9357's Avatar
    The Clues:

    Q2. No other person was involved. No crime was involved.

    Q4. The woman loves animals and hates hunting. She does not intend to use the gun for hunting or for self-defense.

    Q6. He should have been more careful.
  3. Doozer's Avatar
    She wanted to shoot at the hunters
  4. Doozer's Avatar
    Was the golfer playing against his boss and he was intentionally trying to be bad but then he by some fluke manage it
  5. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=Doozer;bt4212]She wanted to shoot at the hunters[/QUOTE]

    Afraid not Doozer but nice attempt.
  6. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=Doozer;bt4213]Was the golfer playing against his boss and he was intentionally trying to be bad but then he by some fluke manage it[/QUOTE]

    Another great attempt Doozer but not the answer. :)
  7. magicalman9357's Avatar
    The Answers:

    Q2. The man's boat had capsized and he was adrift in an inflatable dinghy in a cold ocean. He caught a fish and, while cutting it up, his knife slipped and punctured the dinghy.

    Q4. The woman is an aeronautics engineer. She uses the gun to shoot ducks at airplane engines to test how they handle high-speed impacts with birds.

    Q6. The golfer's ball rebounded off the head of another golfer who was crossing the green. The ball bounced into the hole. However, the man who was hit died.
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