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  1. What is Lactophilia and How Does Someone Make Milk?

    Lactophillia, adult nursing, ANR, erotic lactation, breast milk fetishism are all phrases which describe a fetish whereby a person suckles milk from another persons breast.

    However for some sex workers and escorts the fetish is much part of their everyday lives. A few lactating escorts, like me, love to share their breastmilk with clients and whilst it is still a relatively small market, there are a growing number of women offering adult nursing and milkmaid services to breast milk ...
  2. Hepatitis C and HIV testing in Co.Clare - Press Release

    FOR ALL YOU PEOPLE IN OR AROUND Co.CLARE....(p.s we also continue to do testing in our offices!)

    There is a cure for Hepatitis C

    One tablet a day for 12 weeks with little or no side effects, and this treatment is playing a big part in Ireland’s plan to eliminate Hepatitis C by the year 2030. On average, in Ireland, around 600 people a year are newly diagnosed with Hepatitis C. These infections might not be new, as it is possible to live with Hep C for 30 years or more ...

    Updated 14-03-19 at 17:14 by GOSHH

    Tags: goshh, hep c, hiv, testing
  3. Ring around the Rosie

    So I took an oft traveled path ,and I must apologise that I learnt nothing new.
    For as sophisticated, multifaceted, magicakal species we are; it's often easier to choose the basic and crude.

    Which is something we do, us people.

    I made myself a dare, and I carried it through. It's been about 4 years. Here is the truth ; Women are feared. Not as much as men fear their attraction to them but almost.

    But then there are those who fear many things ...
  4. Rapid Testing for HIV and Hepatitis C in GOSHH

    HIV can be controlled with medication so it does no harm to you or your sexual partners. Hepatitis C can be cured with a course of medication. In order to get these medications, and remain healthy, you need to know whether you are living with these infections. A rapid test is a quick and painless way of finding out.

    GOSHH currently provides rapid tests for both HIV and Hepatitis C. These tests are available to anyone who wants them.

    Only you know if you may have been ...
  5. Cold sores and other ailments

    As the highest incidence of sexually transmitted diseases is among gay and bi-sexual men, should the bi-sexual men tell the female escorts of their sexual orientation and then perhaps the escorts could declare on their profile if they welcome bi-sexual men. A lot of them either dont know or dont care.but the stats dont lie .Everyone can have hindsight but very few have foresight. Bi ullamh .Maybe Moderator Floki might give his opinion on whether this might be a worthwhile option as knowledge is ...
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