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  1. Things That You Should Never Regret If You Want To Be Happy

    For a generation that has YOLO tattooed on our foreheads, we sure as hell will have a whole lot of regrets in about 10-20 years. Regret is that horrible feeling that you experience when you come to realize that the time to act has passed..

    Not Telling Them You Love Them.

    We all have people in our lives that we love. Whether it be our parents, siblings or other family members, or lovers, there are those in our lives that we respect and cherish — those that we love. ...
  2. Setting the Record Straight

    It would seem that there have been a few rumours going about that I would like to put straight. I don't know where the rumours originated from, but that doesn't really matter, what matters is that I am able to put them to bed (so to speak ).

    1. The Knickers Saga: This came about after starting a light hearted thread, where I said that sometimes when I'm in a rush, meaning a client who has booked at 2.30pm, calls to say he is here and it's only 2.10pm and I am trying to accommodate ...
  3. Love Christmas events and activities

    hi, , my first time, and would be interested to know if there were any fun, interesting events to attend or to participate in,,,need not be kinky,/ sexy, but I would be interested in that as well, While I see that some of the local groups are not planning any parties in December, please let me know if there are any 'fun' and unusual things happening..also, what's going on for New Years...

    Updated 14-11-13 at 12:55 by Nicole (blalant advertising use advert section)

  4. poor pussy

  5. Shoe Fetish ?

    I dropped by to see dear SophieX only to find she was clearing out her shoe cupboard. Holy Moly have you seen her shoe collection . Happy days but sadly she has small feet .

    Tiff x
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