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  1. Summer BBQ party for board members (Clients/Escorts)

    Hi Guys and Girls!

    Hacksaw had a big old thought goin' throw his noggin' the other day. Why not get as many board members together for a big meet and greet party!:eek:

    Like we could have a BBQ (if the wether's good) with some beer/wine and the like. We could even (if the girls are up for it) have a big all-late-night slumber party affair.:D

    But it seems that some people here are total party-poopers and I'm not talkin' hardsports. Well if you don't wanna come ...

    Updated 29-05-09 at 22:56 by Patricia

    Irish Client Blogs
  2. Goodbye

    I am a client and I am giving up my custom. I have spent nearly 4,000euro in the last year on escorts I feel it is getting too expensive and the prices are way overpriced. So I hope people join me and boycott this industry which could result in lowering of prices. Until then goodbye

    Updated 29-05-09 at 21:58 by Patricia

    Irish Client Blogs
  3. Padlocked Pants!

    Would you believe it...!?!

    I read today that female masseuses in Indonesia have been asked to padlock their panties to let customers know that sex is not available.

    Updated 29-05-09 at 22:20 by Patricia

    Escort Industry Ireland
  4. Aim Low To Avoid Dissappointment!! And Be Happy When you Score High!

    Few tips from studying this webpage!

    1. If photos are not verified, you are taking chances!

    2. If escort has opted OUT of reviews, you are taking chances.

    3. Check out profiles, some statistics do not match photos, taking chances.

    4. Pricing may also indicate a gamble! You cannot compromise quality for quantity (coming once in 30 minutes for hard earned 100euro)!

    5. Phone agreements are also chances!

    6. There is high risk ...

    Updated 29-05-09 at 22:51 by Patricia

    Irish Client Blogs
  5. Men and directions!

    This is my first blog entry and it is going to be a rant! I encountered a small-understatement-problem in Sligo, and after gathering the details as to what happened, I was in formed after noticing several gentle coming in and ASKING the way to my room, the Management decided they didn't want this kind of activity going on in their hotel! Fair enough, but you are on a the way to visit an escort, and you stop and ask for directions to her room, and giving the number! OM-fecking-G!

    I ...

    Updated 29-05-09 at 22:00 by Patricia

    Irish Escort Blogs