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  1. A song for the New Year

  2. New Year Wishes

    Well it's New Year's Eve and almost the end of 2010 and the beginning of a new year. I can't say it's been the best year of my life by any means but then again it hasn't been the worst year either.

    There are many things I am hoping for in 2011 and I am sure there are many people who are thinking along similar lines. Not happy about where I am living at all so going to make a new move as early as I can in the 2011. I am also going to try and get a better balance in life and attempt ...
  3. Do opposites attract?

    I have always been drawn towards females with an outgoing personality for some reason and makes me wonder if people with opposite personalities attract one another or if its a myth. Not sure why but I seem to attract bubbly and extroverted women when I am quite the opposite myself. Whilst not putting myself down I am not exactly Mr personality or the life and soul of the party by a long shot. I am good on a one to one but not so much in a crowd of people and as far as jokes are concerned I can ...
  4. Coffee Time

    I used to be a real tea drinker and drank cups and cups throughout the day and now the only time I drink tea is if I am having something like a bacon sandwich or a fry. Over the past couple of years I have switched to coffee and believe I am now addicted as it's one cup after the other and always seem to have a cup or mug of coffee in my hand. I realise that it's not a good thing as too much caffeine especially at night can affect sleeping patterns but can't seem to help myself here. Also, it's ...
  5. Deferring Gratification

    Many times in life I have lacked patience in my desire to accumulate certain things and preferred the 'give it to me now' route. As I have become older as we all do I see the benefit of waiting until the time is right and then appreciating what I get. For example I do not borrow money anymore from banks or anywhere else as if I cannot afford to buy something I will wait until I can and feel much better for the delay. This does take a level of self control and will power as many times the temptation ...