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  1. Free at last, Free at last"

    Yeah, I am free,

    How come I am free just to be the Last? 'Cause I want the dream, And I know you want it too.The White picket fence, the dog, Wife, Kids and the Minivan too. But I can't seem to get it. It seems way beyond my reach. And as Bad as I want it, There are some walls I can't breach. I can't blame no one, I can only blame my self , But it seems there are Bulwarks, In my quest for wealth, I'll start with my neighborhood, because you are were you're from, It will be a victim ...
  2. weekend humour

    Love Me Tender Love ME Sweet Wrap Your Lips Around My Meat

    Watch Me Smile Watch Me Grin Watch Me Drip Cum Down Your Chin! LOL

    What do a girl's arsehole and a 9 Volt battery have in common? You know it is wrong but eventually you'll put your tongue in it!

    Tiff x
  3. Magic's Weekly Questions Blog

    [SIZE="3"]A fun questions Blog for a change. :)

    Q1. When you see geese flying in a V formation, why is it that one leg of the V is always longer than the others?

    Q2. Why are there so many Smiths in the telephone directory?

    Q3. What is E.T. short for?

    [SIZE="3"]Q4. Where do you find a no-legged dog?

    Q5. Approximately how many house bricks does it take to complete ...
  4. Squeal Like a Pig Boy!

    Thursday, I just haven't had the time to write, it would be a glorious thing to have a live in slave 24/7 to do to all the jobs I find tedious. Alas it seems that unlike the UK in Ireland a good slave is hard to find.

    I had a curious visit from a slave who turned out to be, well rather dominant. He actually had the audacity to say "Just play with my nipples and make me cum" Needless to say he did not get what he wanted! I don't know how many times I have to state I am a
    Irish Escort Blogs
  5. Nothing Like a a Virgin!

    Saturday, nothing like a virgin! I do love to be the first to violate a slaves unspoilt bottoms. The sheer joy it brings to stick my finger in where it is so tight and end up giving them a right good roggering lol.

    Slave turns up and to my surprise he is an older gent. Imagine not exploring the delights of anal play for so many years but good on him to try it now. 10 things to do before you die, be violated by a Mistress lol.

    Slave is a proper slut. Into the cross dressing
    Irish Escort Blogs