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  1. Senior citizens

    I have been with several escorts who had glowing reviews only to be disappointed by their reaction to me when I arrived which led me to believe either the reviews they had gotten were false or they were expecting and would prefer a young stud to call
    Irish Client Blogs
  2. Ivoneva

    I saw Ivoneva's profile and was smitten but reading her intro I was dissapointed to read that she only agrees to see under 60's what a pity as I would love to have met her other escorts should indicate their preferences in regard to age like Ivoneva as it clears up any confusion
    Irish Client Blogs
  3. kisssssssss

  4. The Fat Bastard story

    So, I’ve been holding off writing this out for a couple of reasons. One being not wanting to put the scud on a good thing, the other being wondering if anyone would ever care enough to read my pish. I finally decided that enough time as passed that I’m secure with where I am, and I know when I started out on this journey I would have appreciated something like this, and I’ve had a few people PM me over the last year or so asking about my experiences as a virgin seeing sex workers. Also, this ...
  5. The adventures of annabel taylor

    It has been some time since ive posted about my many adventures.. But i was busy learning some new skills
    And will be offering a new unique service.

    Gentleman's tailoring service available. Private discreet for all your personal needs.
    My ethos is to give all my clients what they really need. Whom i treat as if they are my lover creating the style and look of well cut gentleman. I believe in perfect measurements inside leg i pay very close attention too and check any ...