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  1. Cold Play in Aberdeen

    I just got off the phone from an in-call enquiry. He sounded polite enough. But every other sentence was punctuated by a cough. One of those throaty, itchy type coughs.

    So I was alarmed when he said that he wasn’t far from my in-call location and could make his way over immediately.

    It was time for me to risk causing offence. But I was already staying in an old building where I could easily feel the cold if the temperatures dropped any further. And the last thing ...
  2. Prostate Massage

    This week I experienced another first. I had invited in a new client and we were generally getting to know each others bodies and having some fun when I noticed he was particularly enjoying having his balls played with, then this developed as my hand went a little lower I realised he was encouraging me to run around his anal area. I don't generally do anal play (either way), it's not something I actively enjoy, but I could see how turned on he was by it and didn't really want to spoil it for him. ...

    Updated 17-10-12 at 20:44 by dr love

  3. Knickers

    With all the packing moving catching trains/buses/taxis etc how do the ladies get time to wash and more importantly dry their knickers every day..:confused::confused:
  4. The Sunday Life Newspaper

    I thought my fellow escorts would like to know how I dealt with being splashed all over the front pages of The gutter Tabloid Sunday Newspaper "The Sunday Life" alongside other Independent Escorts, on two occasions and have now hopefully detered the press of ever coming to my door again.
    I was first put on the front page along side other escorts in Sept 2010, however I was not in NI at the time but in sunnier climates, so I was unaware of my face appearing on the front page entitled ...
  5. All Punters Are Equal; But Some Smell (and Fuck) Better Than Others

    I would like to stress that I DO NOT lump all men that pay for sex into the sweaty and urine marinated category. In fact, that was my first pleasant surprise when I first became an escort. I'd expected the horror stories of smelly, overweight belchers with rotting teeth and dribble. Instead I found I was entertaining men who were predominantly sometimes better kept than I was!!!

    The clientele my rates attract sometimes smell so good that I'm sniffing the pillow long after they've ...