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  1. maybe some girl doing outcalls in Wexford area?

    iam looking for female escort wich doing outcalls,im single and living on my own,would be great to have a women beside me.
  2. Good ' Agencies ' -- please come clean.

    I guess what most guys want to avoid is booking ladies who are in the control of men who fit the nasty stereo-typical type of pimp image.

    However, I have no doubt that the there are some ladies, be they escorts or ex-escorts, who arrange things for other escorts to come here for a while to work and maybe tour a bit. I talk of girls coming to Ireland completely of there own free will but who need the logistic support of some ladies already here and who know the landscape.
  3. Bad Laws, bastards and doing the right thing

    Folks, This is another of the "serious" blogs. Apologies for ... its length (I know, too much), if the more light hearted comments strike the wrong tone and if I am going over old ground and adding nothing new.
    I am happy if you disagree with the content though, please comment and explain!

    We learnt a bit from the events and public pronouncements of this week – one important thing, if confirmation was needed, is that the Irish Government is a bad government. That ...
  4. My UK apartment!

    Things have been a little distracting over here in the UK. Until recently I had a beautiful apartment in Worcester, which is my home town. It was in a converted Edwardian building and surrounded by Countryside, where you could see the sqirrels and rabbits playing in the gardens and horses chilling in the fields. It had 2very large bedrooms and a large lounge area and was totally perfect. Sadly not long after I had renewed my contract for the 2nd term of 6 months I got a call from the letting ...
  5. Preferences, perspectives

    [I]I was halfway through writing this blog when something came to my notice. I think it is still ok, and I have added some more at the end, but you decide![/I]

    The great thing about EI is that we, the punter, know so much about the escorts that we choose to visit. Compare with the dreadful old days a good few years ago. It was numbers in magazines (in some cities telephone boxes) and pot luck or driving around red light areas. I shudder at the thought!
    Now we have photos, services ...
    Irish Client Blogs
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