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  1. New Year's Resolutions.

    I make them every year, and by the end of January, all good will goes out the window, not to mention my world-famous patience. Why do we feel the need to put extra pressure on ourselves? Especially at a time during the year when the last thing you wish to do is change a light bulb much less undertake a new course, or a new training regimen.

    I think it all has to do with that pesky number 1! In our culture we love this number, the first, the numero uno, the one the only. Your first ...
  2. The Penny has Dropped.

    I have to say I have been less than sanguine the last few months, the weather certainly hasn’t helped. The recurring annoyances of my work haven’t helped, nor has the fact that the holidays are upon us. I absolutely hate them! The idea of having to appear all happy-happy-joy-joy with people with whom I share genetic similarities, fills me with dread. I absolutely love my family, I just don’t like my family or any ones family during Christmas. Plus, all I want to do is sleep. It is dark when I wake ...
  3. Fustration of dogmatic Accent orientation!!

    yes, that is right!. We all like to hear what we are use to or what we expect to hear when one opens their mouth to speak. The question is, are we to be blame for our dogmatism? or we will rather blame the opposite side who is/has been lucky and unfortunate at the same time to have a pragmatic spoken orientation or otherwise ? hmmmmm!

    Today, I think that accents are the most evident indicators of past experiences (such as past intellect), feelings and different perspectives and so ...

    Updated 31-12-11 at 12:45 by Bunny De La Cruiz

  4. Lesson 2

    First of all,hello everybody!I've camed across something very interesting on the internet and I thought about you guys,so here I am,sharing it.Take it as a small present from me to all those that I've met and those that I haven't.I want to wish you all "Happy New Year!"and all the best for 2012!

    Giving Her Oral Sex

    • What You Need To Know
    • Never bite a woman's vagina - ever.
    • Use your tongue and fingers to maximize stimulation.
    • Always have an
  5. De-sacking

    Ho Ho Ho... Merry christmas to all here. Now is anyone offering any christmas specials today in the south east, like santa i too would very much like to empty my sack!
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