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  1. Winter Wonderland

    I imagine lots of people have stories of occasional problems getting to an appointment with a lovely escort. About a year ago, in the midst of all the heavy snow, I had one such adventure.

    I had been really looking forward to seeing Layla for the second time, having had the pleasure a few months previously. Unfortunately, Layla took ill during her tour at the end of November 2010 and had to go home early, cancelling pre-booked appointments including mine.

    I made sure ...
  2. Google and its anti sex work stance - IUSW Article

    A good article about Google and its anti sex work stance.

    Article Here

    It touches on several important and serious subjects and puts forward some good points.

  3. There is a patron saint for escorts, and she likes me!

    Behold the perfection that sits before you. No, not me silly, the muffins! Yes muffins! Carrot and raisin muffins with a butter cream frosting on top. Also, note the empty wrapper beside the other five. That one was a causality of war.

    You see I have a wonderful client/friend who in addition to being the absolutely perfect gentleman, he drove from far away to see me, is a past master at cunnilingus, he also bakes the most delightful cookies, cakes, and muffins. Yes, he bakes. He is ...
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