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  1. Miss March E-I 2012

    Miss March E-I 2012
    Welcome to the E-I Escort of the Month Blog. Every month I post the current top list of escorts in the running for Escort of the Month with its winner.

    The current Miss February E-I 2012 is Nataly

    Here are the results in the race for Miss March 2012 (which is ...

    Updated 06-03-12 at 23:20 by RicFlair

  2. The diference between Fernanda to Kataleya

    I don't know if you never ask yourself:

    Why her advert name is Kataleya and her username is Fernanda?

    So many of the gentleman who visit me don't know how to call me;kataleya
    or Fernanda...

    I'll explain...

    Fernanda is a very common name in Brazil and remind me a very good friend
    from school(earlys 5 or 6 y.o)and I have very sweet memorys from her;so
    when I first open my profile my name was only Sexy Fernanda but then ...